Therapy Etiquette
I believe that all of my clients should be able to enjoy my unique learning opportunities in a mutually respectful environment free from concern. As such, I have established some guidelines to ensure both parties, therapist and client, are respectful and courteous at all times.
A respectful relationship
Healthy boundaries are essential for all relationships, and the relationship between myself as a therapist and you as my client is no different. When in therapy, it is essential that we are both respectful and polite, demonstrate excellent manners, and remain calm.
This is crucial if we are to build trust during sessions. Being able to listen attentively, and being empathic are key to the healing process, and any other inappropriate behaviour undermines this. It is also important to mention the need for excellent personal hygiene in preparation for a practical session.
Arriving on time for any appointment demonstrates good manners and excellent time keeping. Not being punctual could mean missing part of your session, or forfeiting it altogether. With sessions running alongside each other, we are unable to reschedule appointments at the last minute.
At the same time, we understand if you need to cancel or rearrange an appointment ahead of the date, but would ask that you give us plenty of notice if this is the case.
Inappropriate behaviour
Self-development often means discussing difficult or challenging events in our lives, and we very much want to encourage our clients to explore these topics so that real change can begin. Having said that, it is important to maintain standards and continue to be respectful when this happens.
Under no circumstances will acts of aggression be tolerated, including but not limited to swearing, shouting or verbal abuse. To enable professional boundaries are in place, there must be no touching or sexual intent during sessions.
We would also ask that mobile phones are switched off or turned to silent when in session.