Emese Taylor

Sex & Relationship Therapist

Book an appointment 07943 621 149

Client Agreement

This agreement briefly sets out my terms and the way that I work. I ask that you have a read through the following text before your initial consultation.

Please take the time to read this prior to your Initial consultation. If you continue sessions with me, you will be asked to sign this agreement after our first meeting.

The agreement sets out my terms of engagement and gives practical information like payment terms, cancellation and confidentiality.




  • All sessions are payable in advance, and can be paid for using cash, or credit / debit card.
  • If you are unable to pay in advance, a payment plan may be available. Please ask for more information


  • Sessions take place on a weekly basis and will be held at my offices in North London
  • Each session lasts for 95 minutes including a 5 minute break

Cancellation, breaks and holidays

  • Cancellations with less than 48 hours notice will be charged an additional fee of £95
  • We ask for 7 days notice if missing a session due to holidays or other breaks
  • Skills coaching generally runs for 12 weeks, and it is not advisable to have breaks within this


  • I abide by the ethics code of the British Psychological Society, which can be found on the BPS website
  • Anything discussed or written down during a session is completely confidential. All forms and notes are kept securely and I would require your consent before sharing them with anyone.
  • Exceptions to this would be if your therapist feels you, or another person, face significant harm
  • All information retained by myself is covered by Data Protection Act 1998, and will never be given to third parties