Emese Taylor

Sex & Relationship Therapist

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Four Ways Seeing a Sex Therapist Could Improve Your Relationship.

Sex therapy has come become the ‘norm’ for many couples. Crossing the pond from the US, where therapy is part of everyday life, couples seeing a sex therapist is now seen as a positive step in their relationship, instead of a taboo. Seeing a sex therapist when you find yourselves in a difficult spot can not only improve a relationship, but save one too.

So how can speaking to a stranger about your sex life help your relationship become stronger?

You become more open about your feelings

Sometimes, when we’ve been in a relationship for a long period of time, we stop talking about our thoughts and feelings. Seeing a sex therapist can open up these two-way doors of communication and allow you to convey your thoughts and feelings to one another in a controlled environment. Encouraging you to be completely honest with one another, it helps you to lay all your cards on the table and build up your relationship from there.

It removes the stigma attached to talking about sex

As a nation, we have got better at talking about sex and opening up to family and friends, but there’s still a huge stigma when it comes to talking about our intimate feelings and activities. Making the time and effort to see a sex therapist will liberate you and your partner, as well as remove the stigma attached to talking about sex.

It could change the family

If sexual problems are preventing you from starting a family, it’s time to make a change. Sex therapy can address both the mental and physical issues that are halting sex in its tracks, and get you back on the right path. As a result, you’ll be more likely to start – or add to – a family.

It’ll bring you closer

With such busy lives, it can be extremely difficult to spend time together – in any form. As a result, our communication takes a nosedive and we find ourselves becoming increasingly distant. Undergoing sex therapy can bring you infinitely closer, both mentally and physically, and create a happier, healthier, and more rounded relationship once more.

Are you and your partner struggling in your relationship? Sex therapy has helped millions of couples overcome the boundaries and remove the stigma associated with sex and create a more wholesome population.

OCD & Anxiety Inside a Relationship.

Anxiety and OCD are often talked about in the same breath and frequently come hand in hand. Someone suffering from issues with anxiety may well end up developing OCD type behavior as a mechanism with which to cope with this, leading to a spiral of destructive habits that can be harmful not only to them but also to their friends, family and partners.

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Pistanthrophobia - The fear of trust.

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