Emese Taylor

Sex & Relationship Therapist

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London Love School backs improved sex lessons in schools.

The renowned London Love School has welcomed the news that sex and relationship education is to become compulsory in schools across England. Based on experience working with individuals struggling to build connections and harbouring unrealistic expectations, it’s a move that the organisation believes could help encourage healthier relationships.

The government has recently announced that from the age of four all children will be taught about safe and healthy relationships. As well as focusing on the typical topics covered, the curriculum has been brought into the modern era. The dangers of sexting, online pornography, and sexual harassment will all be covered as children enter secondary school. While the changes won’t be coming in until September 2019 it’s a step in the right direction, according to London Love School.

Emese Taylor, Sex Coach and Founder of London Love School, said, “Children and teens growing up today face a lot of different challenges when it comes to relationships. The rise of the internet means they’re more exposed to hidden dangers and the risk of skewing what they believe are healthy, normal relationships. Making the topic mandatory and expanding the areas covered is an essential step for providing a much-needed healthy outlook.”

London Love School works on an individual basis with those struggling with romantic relationships, including where unhealthy practices or views have been established. From working to build self-confidence to addressing pornography addictions, the school works across a variety of relationship areas and has first-hand experience of the consequences of harmful relationship and sex ideals. It’s an area that Taylor argues further education in schools can address.

Taylor added, “One of the key challenges in the curriculum changes is ensuring that the content covered is age appropriate. We believe with the right measures in place it has the potential to greatly improve lives and relationships.”

London Love School specialises in delivering one-on-one relationship coaching, giving each client the attention they need. With a range of courses on offer, from dating skills to sexual confidence, all of which can be tailored, the school provides a dynamic place to learn and grow.

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