Emese Taylor

Sex & Relationship Therapist

Book an appointment 07943 621 149

Finding your perfect partner - Part 2.

Looking back at your previous relationships can often be an invaluable way to plan for your next successful partnership. Whilst dwelling on past experiences can be unhealthy, it is very beneficial to reflect and evaluate the positive aspects of those people you have spent time with. What traits delighted you? Which infuriated you? We are all a sum of our experiences and our preferences and opinions are formed by these. Allow them to guide you towards an image of what it is you would like to find and keep these aspects in mind for your decision making. Remember also though to keep an open mind at all times.

If you are looking to build a sustainable relationship, a foundation to build a loving future upon, then it is vital that you and your partner-to-be are on the same page. Whilst it might be tempting to see which way the wind blows in your new relationship, a more efficient way to approach things is to have a set idea about your goals. Are you looking to get married in the near future? Are children a concern? It’s worth being honest about this at an early stage, to be sure that both yourself and your potential romantic interest shared the same goals for the future.

Another interesting exercise is to consider is to create an imaginary profile for your ideal partner. Not only is this a fun exercise but it can also prove invaluable when it comes to identifying good potential profiles. Make a list of the top three most important things you would like to find a new partner. Maybe someone who likes to travel or perhaps someone more comfortable enjoying a new cinema release. The more things you have in common, the easier it is to engage with that special someone. This is especially true for people are who a little shy, so bear it in mind.

Never the less, it can be a daunting task to write your own profile. Whilst the majority of today’s sites and apps will do their best to guide you through the process, a helping hand can always be of benefit so don’t be afraid to ask a friend to help, or simply look over your completed profile once complete to get a fresh perspective.

It’s understandable that you might feel a little uncomfortable asking a friend to get involved, but there are services available online that can help you put together an impressive profile and help you move towards the warmth and commitment you deserve.

OCD & Anxiety Inside a Relationship.

Anxiety and OCD are often talked about in the same breath and frequently come hand in hand. Someone suffering from issues with anxiety may well end up developing OCD type behavior as a mechanism with which to cope with this, leading to a spiral of destructive habits that can be harmful not only to them but also to their friends, family and partners.

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How can I ever trust you again?

An affair or other infidelity can be one of the most heart breaking events we can experience. After years of trust and building up a bond, a friendship and an intimate connection with someone who may also now be the parent to your children only to find they have sought comfort in the arms of another is something that can devastate an otherwise happy relationship.

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How to Enjoy the Perfect Date Night

The Date Night is something of a modern phenomenon that has willed itself into existence to help us with our increasingly busy lives and schedules to make time for those that we love.

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Pistanthrophobia - The fear of trust.

One of the fundamental ways we learn and develop as individuals is by experience. Common sense and reason should be our driving force for development, but things that we go through are far more likely to stick with us and drive our actions and future choices.

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