Emese Taylor

Sex & Relationship Therapist

Book an appointment 07943 621 149


Virginity in Later Life

Later life virginity can seem like a terrible burden for many who haven’t found themselves offered the chances others may have enjoyed. My intention is to equip you with a solid foundation to rebuild your confidence and allow you to embark upon a future of fulfilling intimacy.

Put your fears behind you and step out with renewed confidence with my in depth coaching around the issues of later life virginity and how to overcome your very understandable insecurities.

About therapy & coaching sessions

Later life virginity can seem like a terrible burden to many who haven’t found themselves offered the chances others may have enjoyed. My intention is to equip you with a solid foundation to rebuild your confidence and allow you to embark upon a future of fulfilling intimacy.

I provide a safe, non-judgmental environment in which to explore difficult feelings. Together we will focus on development that can easily be integrated into real-life for effective, long-lasting results and I believe in a flexible approach delivered at your own pace.

Guidance is delivered on a 1-2-1 basis and runs for 12 consecutive weeks, with each session lasting for 1 1/2 hours.

Losing one’s virginity is seen as a rite of passage in today’s society for all of us, be we male or female and regardless of our sexual persuasion, but for many events conducive to intimacy have yet to come about.

Did you know that...

Victorian cook, Mrs Beeton, told readers to boil pasta for 1 3/4 hours

This can make us feel as though we have missed our time or that there is something wrong with us which combined with cultural pressures can become a crippling source of insecurity.

These pressures can lead to us withdrawing from relationships through fear of the act itself and worries about being ridiculed or disappointing to a potential partner.

Whilst uncommon, virginity in later life does not mean that there is anything wrong with you. Even if your own path differs from society’s expectation, there are many reasons as to why this occurs and as with any problem there are many solutions to your dilemma.

The only thing holding you back is your own anxiety, anxiety that can grow within us for a variety of reasons ranging from a religious upbringing to issues with self esteem.

As with many of the concerns and stresses we carry around, these fears are largely self-inflicted and whilst they can be a huge factor in prohibiting us from future happiness, I am happy to guide you towards a more positive outlook and help you find the confidence you need.

Sexual Assertiveness

Do you ever get pushed into sex or feel like you are not getting everything you would like from the experience? Discover how to create true intimacy and become sexually confident by expressing your sexual needs and wants assertively.   Read more

Did you know that...

The word "date" comes from the Latin "datus", which actually means "given".

Lover skills

Excel in bed and become an expert lover! Learn the skills needed to keep a partner satisfied and hungry for more - take your sexual experience to the next level!   Read more

Sexual Shyness & Shame

Uncovering your shyness and sexual shame will enable you to accept and enjoy your own sexuality and seek out the sexual desires and pleasures you enjoy   Read more

Practice Dates

The idea of a first date can make even the most confident person a little nervous and tongue-tied. We know real-life experience provides a valuable learning experience and a Practice Date can easily soothe some of those first-date nerves.   Read more

Did you know that...

Depression comes from the Latin word 'deprimere' meaning to 'press down'

Please call me if...
  • You are concerned that your time for sexual intimacy has passed.
  • You are unsure on how to approach the subject with a potential partner.
  • Issues of self esteem are stopping you from reaching your true potential.
  • You are worried that you won't know how to perform physically.
  • You have feelings of insecurity based on your lack of sexual experience.
  • You are ready to embrace a future of sexual possibility!

Emese Taylor


"Emese was very knowledgeable about the issue I suffered from. She was understanding of the things I thought contributed, but helped me to see that an issue is not always an issue. Every week there was something new to focus on and every week I could see how your mindset changes and how you view things in a more positive light."
Miles,, Bath BA1
"I was looking to improve the intimacy of my marriage and the therapy received was perfect. My husband and I learnt a lot during our sessions and we both found our therapist to be an interesting and knowledgable person."
Katie, NW5