Emese Taylor

Sex & Relationship Therapist

Book an appointment 07943 621 149


Male Sexual Issues

Sexual problems are often extremely debilitating and damage our confidence and self-esteem. It can be easy to ignore sexual problems, like porn addiction or erection problems, and hope that they go away.

My aim is to enable you to move past blocks and inhibitions towards a happy and fulfilling sex life.

About therapy & coaching sessions

When discussing Male Sexual Issues we will look in-depth at the subjects of sex and porn addiction, premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation and erection problems.

I pride myself on providing a safe, non-judgmental environment in which to explore difficult feelings and together we will focus on improvements that can easily be integrated into real-life for effective, long-lasting result.

I am happy to tailor your experience during our sessions to your particular concerns, be that erection problems, sex and porn addiction, or premature ejaculation. Generally, we would expect a period of 12 consecutive weeks to complete, however, I expect that you will begin to feel positive changes after just two or three sessions.


Did you know that...

In the UK, porn attracts more internet traffic than anything else, including social media

Guidance is delivered on a 1-2-1 basis and runs for 12 consecutive weeks, with each session lasting for 1 1/2 hours.

Struggling to get or maintain erections, or suffering premature or delayed ejaculation, can make any sexual situation unnecessarily tense and uncomfortable.

Unfortunately, sexual problems are on the rise, particularly sex and porn addiction, which is increasingly becoming a common problem for both men and women.

Any kind of sexual issue which stops us from enjoying intimate moments with a partner has the possibility of curtailing romantic relationships.

My intention is to give you an opportunity to work through issues holding back your love life. Working within a supportive environment, we will uncover why sexual problems occur, work through blocks like anxiety over performance, and seek to reset your thinking about sex.

Using tried-and-tested techniques, I will remove negative barriers to intimacy and allow you to move forward in a happy relationship, with confidence and satisfaction.

Erection problems

Become confident in sexual situations, enjoy foreplay, sex and being intimate with a partner - take steps to regain erection control with fildena and enjoy a long healthy sex life.   Read more

Did you know that...

Most men struggle with erection problems during their lifetime

Delayed Ejaculation

Control your body and mind when having sex, and enjoy the whole experience without feeling anxious, ashamed or struggling to reach orgasm.   Read more

Sex & Porn Addiction

Change your thinking around sex and porn to create a happy and healthy sex life and find true intimacy and connection with a partner.   Read more

Premature ejaculation

Take back control of your sex life, control erections and relieve the pressure that performance anxiety brings when having sex - start having the sex you love.   Read more

Did you know that...

75% of men feel their penis is of less than average size - that's statistically impossible!

Please call me if...
  • You find sexual problems are harming your relationshop
  • You struggle with erection problems and need support
  • You suffer from premature ejaculation and need techniques to overcome this
  • You sense that sexual problems might affect your self-esteem
  • You have concerns about sex or porn addiction, and would like help to resolve these
  • You find it difficult to orgasm, and suffer from delayed ejaculation

Emese Taylor


"I approached Emese Taylor having never once had sex with a woman and after just two months I had made love to my girlfriend without the use of any medication. I couldn't be any happier with the treatment I have received and would recommend Emese to anyone struggling with similar issues."
Lloyd, London E11
"Emese is a remarkable woman. She is positive, caring and clearly has a passion and competence for helping people with their problems in the areas of sexual addiction, confidence and understanding. She is acutely sensitive to your current situation, welcomes dialogue about the treatment, and is always clear about how things will work out."
Gordon, London NW11