OCD & Anxiety Inside a Relationship.
Anxiety and OCD are often talked about in the same breath and frequently come hand in hand. Someone suffering from issues with anxiety may well end up developing OCD type behavior as a mechanism with which to cope with this, leading to a spiral of destructive habits that can be harmful not only to them but also to their friends, family and partners.
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How can I ever trust you again?
An affair or other infidelity can be one of the most heart breaking events we can experience. After years of trust and building up a bond, a friendship and an intimate connection with someone who may also now be the parent to your children only to find they have sought comfort in the arms of another is something that can devastate an otherwise happy relationship.
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How to Enjoy the Perfect Date Night
The Date Night is something of a modern phenomenon that has willed itself into existence to help us with our increasingly busy lives and schedules to make time for those that we love.
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Pistanthrophobia - The fear of trust.
One of the fundamental ways we learn and develop as individuals is by experience. Common sense and reason should be our driving force for development, but things that we go through are far more likely to stick with us and drive our actions and future choices.
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Taking things up a Notch.
The first kiss is a magical element to a long lasting relationship and it's outcome can set in stone a long reaching future of mutual happiness. For many though, this is often the most difficult hurdle to leap over. Your dates have been going well, you are regularly communicating and have plans to meet up again, but how can you be sure they are ready to move things up a notch and won't be offended by your advances.
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Ways out of a sexless marriage
In last week's blog we looked at the phenomena of the sexless marriage, explored a few of the reasons such a situation can come about and discussed how common this issue has become in today's society.
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Intimate Toys: A Beginners Guide!
From the humble beginnings of the simple vibrator and the now comedic inflatable sex dolls, the adult toy industry has experienced a huge expansion in recent years as we have become more comfortable as a society with our own erotic pleasures. Sex toys can be a great way to explore and expand upon the bedroom activities that you and your partner involve yourself with and for many they can serve as a great way to reinvigorate a flagging sex life.
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Finding your perfect partner - Part 2.
Looking back at your previous relationships can often be an invaluable way to plan for your next successful partnership. Whilst dwelling on past experiences can be unhealthy, it is very beneficial to reflect and evaluate the positive aspects of those people you have spent time with. What traits delighted you? Which infuriated you? We are all a sum of our experiences and our preferences and opinions are formed by these. Allow them to guide you towards an image of what it is you would like to find and keep these aspects in mind for your decision making. Remember also though to keep an open mind at all times.
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Finding your perfect partner - Part 1.
We're all very familiar with the dream - the idealised version of romance is a constant fixture in the media and whether it's the music we listen to, the films we watch or the television we enjoy, romance is everywhere. Sadly though, that dream is just that: a dream. And whilst many are fortunate to find love through the benevolence of the universe, for most of us, these things are not so simple!
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Online Dating: The Guide to Writing Your Profile.
Your online dating profile is one of the most important parts of online dating. Essentially an advert to sell yourself, it’s the first introduction a person has to you. Because of this, you’ll want to make sure it’s attention-grabbing, exciting, and, most of all, accurate. All of this may seem simple, but trust us, when it comes to sitting down and actually writing your profile, you’ll probably struggle to articulate what you want to say – all while making it an interesting read.
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How can I ever trust you again?
An affair or other infidelity can be one of the most heart breaking events we can experience. After years of trust and building up a bond, a friendship and an intimate connection with someone who may also now be the parent to your children only to find they have sought comfort in the arms of another is something that can devastate an otherwise happy relationship.
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Six simple ways to boost your confidence
A simple fact of that is that we all struggle with our confidence. Even the most extroverted and outgoing amongst us struggle with self-esteem, and life can seem like a daily battle to keep your head up. Here at the London Love School we're all about helping you to feel good and find that inner confidence. While it can take a lifetime's work to achieve constant confidence, there are some simple little things you can do throughout your day that will give you an instant confidence boost.
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The Madonna/Whore Complex
Sigmund Freud, the great Grand Daddy of Psychoanalysis, first coined the term "The Madonna/Whore Complex" back in 1925 and used it to describe two archetypal ways that we can view women: either as the virtuous and the saintly with little interest in her own sexual agenda or as the lewd and lascivious, obsessed with sex and open to the act at every available opportunity.
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Dating During the Christmas Period.
Christmas can be a stressful time for everyone. For those in an established relationship, the traumas of arranging celebrations and negotiating the often difficult path of family affairs can be a trial unto themselves and those who find themselves single can also find the festive period to be a difficult time for them.
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Common Fears in a Relationship and how to Conquer them.
For many of us, a lasting relationship is a primary aspiration. For some, this will be due to their desire for companionship, for others a pursuit that results in children of their own. It is not uncommon for a relationship to be viewed as a culmination of everything one has worked towards; studying hard for a good education, striving for progression in the work place and building a comfortable home can all be seen as pieces to a larger puzzle that make up the foundations of a solid relationship.
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Forgiving After a Betrayal.
To be cheated on by your partner, someone to whom you have given your trust and your love is a terrible betrayal. More than just a thoughtless act, it sets in motion a series of complex and increasingly toxic feelings, breaking down everything you have worked so hard to nurture and causing deep wounds that many simply can't recover from.
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Four Ways Seeing a Sex Therapist Could Improve Your Relationship.
Sex therapy has come become the ‘norm’ for many couples. Crossing the pond from the US, where therapy is part of everyday life, couples seeing a sex therapist is now seen as a positive step in their relationship, instead of a taboo. Seeing a sex therapist when you find yourselves in a difficult spot can not only improve a relationship, but save one too.
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Porn Addiction - The Partner's Perspective.
We've talked about addictions to pornography and it's potential for harm in those who consume it a number of times here on the London Love School blogs, but we have yet to take an in depth look at the effects this can have on the partner of the person with the addiction.
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The Art of Flirting
It might sound trite to say that flirting is an artform, but it certainly bears many similarities. As with any art, some are naturally gifted and will excel with little effort, but equally those without the natural talent can study, learn and develop their own skills and techniques.
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Procrastination – An Ape’s Life.
A creative piece by one of our clients that explores their own experience with procrastination and we are very thankful for permission to reproduce it for you here.
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Sexless Marriage Help.
Once the physical spark of sexual attraction has been dimmed between a married couple a chain of events is set in motion then can prove to be disastrous. If unchecked, the lack of sex can and often will lead to many negative feelings such as frustration, resentment, guilt, betrayal, rejection, inadequacy, contempt and worse.
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Challenges on a first date and how to overcome them.
Wouldn't it be great if every romantic encounter played out like something from a Hollywood movie? If running on sheer charisma you could effortlessly woo whoever is placed in front of you in a high end restaurant and have them eager for a second date?
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Low Self Esteem or Falling Out of Love with Yourself.
It's often said that we can be our own worst enemies and this is never the more the case than when it comes to our mental health and well being.
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Overcoming Shyness When Dating.
Being overly shy can really put the brakes on your love life. Not being able to make conversation, flirt or feel at ease on a date really knocks your confidence and self-belief. Shyness often shows itself in dating through an avoidance of relationships and dates. It can mean you are too frightened or nervous to speak to someone you fancy or feel ‘sexually shy’ in bed. Your body image frequently takes a knock, and even if you are actively dating your worries about appearance progress quickly to a halt in the bedroom. Though this is one of the most common problems faced by people every day, overcome shyness when dating will lead you to more fun and enjoyable experiences.
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Sex During Pregnancy.
Pregnancy is a time of great change in a woman's body. For some this can result in a heightened sex drive and for others quite the opposite can be the case, with neither outcome considered the norm. Desires can fluctuate, dependent on many factors such as changes in emotional responses as well as the fatigue and nausea commonly associated with pregnancy.
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Alcohol - It's harmful effect on your relationship.
From the earliest recorded history, alcohol has played a large part in human culture and interactions. As an example of this, the Greco-Roman deity Dionysus, the God of, amongst other things, wine making was worshiped as far back as 1500–1100 BC with art and stories depicting the consumption of wine as part of daily life.
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The importance of a tidy household.
It's all gone like clockwork. The date has gone wonderfully, the chemistry between you is on fire and it looks like they are going to come back to yours for a coffee and maybe more. What sort of first impression will they be greeted with and what can you do to maximise this impact?
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Solving Problems in a Relationship.
We all want our relationships to last. Be that forever or a long period of time, we want the efforts we put into our love lives to bear fruit and just like anything that grows we need to maintain and care for it. It is all too easy to ignore those nagging thoughts in the back of your mind about your relationship and whilst it is important not to become overly paranoid and pick up on every little detail, identifying real issues and taking steps to overcome them is a very important part of a healthy and long lasting relationship.
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The Two Most Common Sexual Issues That Men Are Worried About.
As a man, there is a great deal of pressure to be able to perform in the bedroom. We are constantly bombarded with images of male virility that are unobtainable for most of us and as such it is very easy to be overly critical and let these anxieties get in the way of our relationships.
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London Love School's one-on-one dating classes ideal for shy, nervous men.
Nerves and a bit of apprehension are common in the world of romance but for some men it can affect their ability to bag a date. The launch of London Love School’s creative and engaging one-on-one dating skills course is set to give shy men the skills, tips, and practical advice that they need to charm their way to love.
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Winning new friends and strengthening our Social Skills.
Something that many people don't consider when it comes to ways to meeting a new partner is the importance friendships can play in this. Our friends are something we very much take for granted when growing up, be that tumbles and scraps in the playground being all it takes to secure a new companion or conversations more easily struck up in nightclubs and bars when we were all a little less self aware and worried about breaking conventions.
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Hitting the Reset Switch. Dating after the end of a long term relationship.
Coming out of a long term relationship can be one of life's great challenges. Regardless of the circumstances leading to the break up, it can often seem to be a daunting prospect to dust one's self down and confront the challenge of finding love again.
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London Love School backs improved sex lessons in schools.
The renowned London Love School has welcomed the news that sex and relationship education is to become compulsory in schools across England. Based on experience working with individuals struggling to build connections and harbouring unrealistic expectations, it’s a move that the organisation believes could help encourage healthier relationships.
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London Love School offers professional, practical dating advice.
The dating game may be constantly changing, but the basics remain ever the same. The London Love School is helping those nervous about securing a date and making an excellent first impression. Backed by years of experience and led by a trained psychologist and coach, the school offers a dedicated place to head for practical advice that those seeking a relationship know they can rely on.
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The importance of an effective dating profile photo.
In the highly competitive world of online dating you need to take advantage of every tool available to you and one of the strongest means at your disposal is to make sure you have a high quality profile photo to attract your potential soul mate.
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6 Tips to Make Your Relationship Last Beyond the Honeymoon Period.
The honeymoon period is over. You’ve been together for a year and things already feel a little different. That feeling of wanting to spend every second together has dissipated and those niggling habits that you once thought were so adorable are starting to grind. It’s tempting to start nagging your way through or questioning whether your partner is the perfect match you always thought they were, you might also start to think of someone else… Well don’t. It’s time to put the brakes on this kind of thinking and get realistic.
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How to Communicate Effectively in a Relationship.
It is hard to underestimate the importance of healthy communication with our partners. Many of the problems facing us today as we navigate the often complex waters of our relationships could either be solved or at least minimized if only we could learn to talk, listen and comprehend each other better.
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Lost that loving feeling?
A lack of sexual desire is a very common concern for both men and women and the reasons behind the issue are as diverse as they can upsetting.
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Porn addiction having serious, damaging effect on relationships, says sex therapist.
Every year more than 4.5 million hours are spent watching porn on a single online platform – Pornhub. Porn is now instantly accessible across the world, and the amount that can be found online is increasing at a rapid rate. This is fuelling the growing problem of porn addiction, according to renowned sex therapist Emese Taylor. She argues that far from being a minor problem, sex addiction is having a damaging effect on relationships and means that some of those affected are unable to find or sustain romance, and it’s an issue she’s witnessed a sharp rise in.
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The Hidden Dangers of Male Masturbation.
The art of self love is a widely accepted part of our modern sex lives. Long gone are the days when the act of masturbation was a taboo subject or a matter of societal shame and it is generally regarded as a healthy outlet.
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How to improve your self-esteem before a first date.
A first date can be a nerve wracking time for anyone. Your head is racing with a million and one questions – Do I look okay? Will my date like me? Will things be awkward? Getting stuck in this mindset can mean you become a self-fulfilling prophecy – you worry about being awkward, so you become awkward.
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Three sex problems that are more common than you think.
When it comes to sex, things can get a little embarrassing. A lot of people don’t like to discuss the details of what goes on behind closed doors, and with good reason. But this can mean that, if you’re experiencing a sex or relationship problem, you might feel isolated and alone. It can be easy to think you’re the only person in the world going through it, but we want to re-assure you that you’re not! Here are three of the most common sex problems, and a little bit about how we can help you overcome them.
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The Many Forms of Love.
Many of the concepts of Love that are familiar to us today were initially described by the ancient Greeks and these archetypes have stayed with us and evolved into our current understanding of our affectionate emotions.
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How Porn Addiction Affects Our Relationships.
Since the advent of the internet age, access to pornography has grown exponentially. A few decades ago, access to pornography was restricted to top-shelf magazines, and sex shops selling pornographic movies and other materials. Nowadays, we can access pornographic sites with unlimited free content, at the click of a button. With this increase in available materials, we have an increase in porn addiction, and its’ many side effects.
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"You always put me last!" Sex after Children.
For many, the goal of childbirth is an important factor in their pursuit of marriage or a relationship. Even on a subconscious level and as much as we might wish to think otherwise, our lusts, attractions and affections will be revolving around our need to produce offspring.
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OCD & Anxiety Inside a Relationship.
Anxiety and OCD are often talked about in the same breath and frequently come hand in hand. Someone suffering from issues with anxiety may well end up developing OCD type behavior as a mechanism with which to cope with this, leading to a spiral of destructive habits that can be harmful not only to them but also to their friends, family and partners.
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How can I ever trust you again?
An affair or other infidelity can be one of the most heart breaking events we can experience. After years of trust and building up a bond, a friendship and an intimate connection with someone who may also now be the parent to your children only to find they have sought comfort in the arms of another is something that can devastate an otherwise happy relationship.
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How to Enjoy the Perfect Date Night
The Date Night is something of a modern phenomenon that has willed itself into existence to help us with our increasingly busy lives and schedules to make time for those that we love.
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Pistanthrophobia - The fear of trust.
One of the fundamental ways we learn and develop as individuals is by experience. Common sense and reason should be our driving force for development, but things that we go through are far more likely to stick with us and drive our actions and future choices.
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Taking things up a Notch.
The first kiss is a magical element to a long lasting relationship and it's outcome can set in stone a long reaching future of mutual happiness. For many though, this is often the most difficult hurdle to leap over. Your dates have been going well, you are regularly communicating and have plans to meet up again, but how can you be sure they are ready to move things up a notch and won't be offended by your advances.
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Ways out of a sexless marriage
In last week's blog we looked at the phenomena of the sexless marriage, explored a few of the reasons such a situation can come about and discussed how common this issue has become in today's society.
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Intimate Toys: A Beginners Guide!
From the humble beginnings of the simple vibrator and the now comedic inflatable sex dolls, the adult toy industry has experienced a huge expansion in recent years as we have become more comfortable as a society with our own erotic pleasures. Sex toys can be a great way to explore and expand upon the bedroom activities that you and your partner involve yourself with and for many they can serve as a great way to reinvigorate a flagging sex life.
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Finding your perfect partner - Part 2.
Looking back at your previous relationships can often be an invaluable way to plan for your next successful partnership. Whilst dwelling on past experiences can be unhealthy, it is very beneficial to reflect and evaluate the positive aspects of those people you have spent time with. What traits delighted you? Which infuriated you? We are all a sum of our experiences and our preferences and opinions are formed by these. Allow them to guide you towards an image of what it is you would like to find and keep these aspects in mind for your decision making. Remember also though to keep an open mind at all times.
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Finding your perfect partner - Part 1.
We're all very familiar with the dream - the idealised version of romance is a constant fixture in the media and whether it's the music we listen to, the films we watch or the television we enjoy, romance is everywhere. Sadly though, that dream is just that: a dream. And whilst many are fortunate to find love through the benevolence of the universe, for most of us, these things are not so simple!
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Online Dating: The Guide to Writing Your Profile.
Your online dating profile is one of the most important parts of online dating. Essentially an advert to sell yourself, it’s the first introduction a person has to you. Because of this, you’ll want to make sure it’s attention-grabbing, exciting, and, most of all, accurate. All of this may seem simple, but trust us, when it comes to sitting down and actually writing your profile, you’ll probably struggle to articulate what you want to say – all while making it an interesting read.
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How can I ever trust you again?
An affair or other infidelity can be one of the most heart breaking events we can experience. After years of trust and building up a bond, a friendship and an intimate connection with someone who may also now be the parent to your children only to find they have sought comfort in the arms of another is something that can devastate an otherwise happy relationship.
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Six simple ways to boost your confidence
A simple fact of that is that we all struggle with our confidence. Even the most extroverted and outgoing amongst us struggle with self-esteem, and life can seem like a daily battle to keep your head up. Here at the London Love School we're all about helping you to feel good and find that inner confidence. While it can take a lifetime's work to achieve constant confidence, there are some simple little things you can do throughout your day that will give you an instant confidence boost.
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The Madonna/Whore Complex
Sigmund Freud, the great Grand Daddy of Psychoanalysis, first coined the term "The Madonna/Whore Complex" back in 1925 and used it to describe two archetypal ways that we can view women: either as the virtuous and the saintly with little interest in her own sexual agenda or as the lewd and lascivious, obsessed with sex and open to the act at every available opportunity.
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Dating During the Christmas Period.
Christmas can be a stressful time for everyone. For those in an established relationship, the traumas of arranging celebrations and negotiating the often difficult path of family affairs can be a trial unto themselves and those who find themselves single can also find the festive period to be a difficult time for them.
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Common Fears in a Relationship and how to Conquer them.
For many of us, a lasting relationship is a primary aspiration. For some, this will be due to their desire for companionship, for others a pursuit that results in children of their own. It is not uncommon for a relationship to be viewed as a culmination of everything one has worked towards; studying hard for a good education, striving for progression in the work place and building a comfortable home can all be seen as pieces to a larger puzzle that make up the foundations of a solid relationship.
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Forgiving After a Betrayal.
To be cheated on by your partner, someone to whom you have given your trust and your love is a terrible betrayal. More than just a thoughtless act, it sets in motion a series of complex and increasingly toxic feelings, breaking down everything you have worked so hard to nurture and causing deep wounds that many simply can't recover from.
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Four Ways Seeing a Sex Therapist Could Improve Your Relationship.
Sex therapy has come become the ‘norm’ for many couples. Crossing the pond from the US, where therapy is part of everyday life, couples seeing a sex therapist is now seen as a positive step in their relationship, instead of a taboo. Seeing a sex therapist when you find yourselves in a difficult spot can not only improve a relationship, but save one too.
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Porn Addiction - The Partner's Perspective.
We've talked about addictions to pornography and it's potential for harm in those who consume it a number of times here on the London Love School blogs, but we have yet to take an in depth look at the effects this can have on the partner of the person with the addiction.
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The Art of Flirting
It might sound trite to say that flirting is an artform, but it certainly bears many similarities. As with any art, some are naturally gifted and will excel with little effort, but equally those without the natural talent can study, learn and develop their own skills and techniques.
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Procrastination – An Ape’s Life.
A creative piece by one of our clients that explores their own experience with procrastination and we are very thankful for permission to reproduce it for you here.
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Sexless Marriage Help.
Once the physical spark of sexual attraction has been dimmed between a married couple a chain of events is set in motion then can prove to be disastrous. If unchecked, the lack of sex can and often will lead to many negative feelings such as frustration, resentment, guilt, betrayal, rejection, inadequacy, contempt and worse.
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Challenges on a first date and how to overcome them.
Wouldn't it be great if every romantic encounter played out like something from a Hollywood movie? If running on sheer charisma you could effortlessly woo whoever is placed in front of you in a high end restaurant and have them eager for a second date?
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Low Self Esteem or Falling Out of Love with Yourself.
It's often said that we can be our own worst enemies and this is never the more the case than when it comes to our mental health and well being.
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Overcoming Shyness When Dating.
Being overly shy can really put the brakes on your love life. Not being able to make conversation, flirt or feel at ease on a date really knocks your confidence and self-belief. Shyness often shows itself in dating through an avoidance of relationships and dates. It can mean you are too frightened or nervous to speak to someone you fancy or feel ‘sexually shy’ in bed. Your body image frequently takes a knock, and even if you are actively dating your worries about appearance progress quickly to a halt in the bedroom. Though this is one of the most common problems faced by people every day, overcome shyness when dating will lead you to more fun and enjoyable experiences.
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Sex During Pregnancy.
Pregnancy is a time of great change in a woman's body. For some this can result in a heightened sex drive and for others quite the opposite can be the case, with neither outcome considered the norm. Desires can fluctuate, dependent on many factors such as changes in emotional responses as well as the fatigue and nausea commonly associated with pregnancy.
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Alcohol - It's harmful effect on your relationship.
From the earliest recorded history, alcohol has played a large part in human culture and interactions. As an example of this, the Greco-Roman deity Dionysus, the God of, amongst other things, wine making was worshiped as far back as 1500–1100 BC with art and stories depicting the consumption of wine as part of daily life.
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The importance of a tidy household.
It's all gone like clockwork. The date has gone wonderfully, the chemistry between you is on fire and it looks like they are going to come back to yours for a coffee and maybe more. What sort of first impression will they be greeted with and what can you do to maximise this impact?
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Solving Problems in a Relationship.
We all want our relationships to last. Be that forever or a long period of time, we want the efforts we put into our love lives to bear fruit and just like anything that grows we need to maintain and care for it. It is all too easy to ignore those nagging thoughts in the back of your mind about your relationship and whilst it is important not to become overly paranoid and pick up on every little detail, identifying real issues and taking steps to overcome them is a very important part of a healthy and long lasting relationship.
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The Two Most Common Sexual Issues That Men Are Worried About.
As a man, there is a great deal of pressure to be able to perform in the bedroom. We are constantly bombarded with images of male virility that are unobtainable for most of us and as such it is very easy to be overly critical and let these anxieties get in the way of our relationships.
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London Love School's one-on-one dating classes ideal for shy, nervous men.
Nerves and a bit of apprehension are common in the world of romance but for some men it can affect their ability to bag a date. The launch of London Love School’s creative and engaging one-on-one dating skills course is set to give shy men the skills, tips, and practical advice that they need to charm their way to love.
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Winning new friends and strengthening our Social Skills.
Something that many people don't consider when it comes to ways to meeting a new partner is the importance friendships can play in this. Our friends are something we very much take for granted when growing up, be that tumbles and scraps in the playground being all it takes to secure a new companion or conversations more easily struck up in nightclubs and bars when we were all a little less self aware and worried about breaking conventions.
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Hitting the Reset Switch. Dating after the end of a long term relationship.
Coming out of a long term relationship can be one of life's great challenges. Regardless of the circumstances leading to the break up, it can often seem to be a daunting prospect to dust one's self down and confront the challenge of finding love again.
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London Love School backs improved sex lessons in schools.
The renowned London Love School has welcomed the news that sex and relationship education is to become compulsory in schools across England. Based on experience working with individuals struggling to build connections and harbouring unrealistic expectations, it’s a move that the organisation believes could help encourage healthier relationships.
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London Love School offers professional, practical dating advice.
The dating game may be constantly changing, but the basics remain ever the same. The London Love School is helping those nervous about securing a date and making an excellent first impression. Backed by years of experience and led by a trained psychologist and coach, the school offers a dedicated place to head for practical advice that those seeking a relationship know they can rely on.
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The importance of an effective dating profile photo.
In the highly competitive world of online dating you need to take advantage of every tool available to you and one of the strongest means at your disposal is to make sure you have a high quality profile photo to attract your potential soul mate.
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6 Tips to Make Your Relationship Last Beyond the Honeymoon Period.
The honeymoon period is over. You’ve been together for a year and things already feel a little different. That feeling of wanting to spend every second together has dissipated and those niggling habits that you once thought were so adorable are starting to grind. It’s tempting to start nagging your way through or questioning whether your partner is the perfect match you always thought they were, you might also start to think of someone else… Well don’t. It’s time to put the brakes on this kind of thinking and get realistic.
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How to Communicate Effectively in a Relationship.
It is hard to underestimate the importance of healthy communication with our partners. Many of the problems facing us today as we navigate the often complex waters of our relationships could either be solved or at least minimized if only we could learn to talk, listen and comprehend each other better.
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Lost that loving feeling?
A lack of sexual desire is a very common concern for both men and women and the reasons behind the issue are as diverse as they can upsetting.
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Porn addiction having serious, damaging effect on relationships, says sex therapist.
Every year more than 4.5 million hours are spent watching porn on a single online platform – Pornhub. Porn is now instantly accessible across the world, and the amount that can be found online is increasing at a rapid rate. This is fuelling the growing problem of porn addiction, according to renowned sex therapist Emese Taylor. She argues that far from being a minor problem, sex addiction is having a damaging effect on relationships and means that some of those affected are unable to find or sustain romance, and it’s an issue she’s witnessed a sharp rise in.
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The Hidden Dangers of Male Masturbation.
The art of self love is a widely accepted part of our modern sex lives. Long gone are the days when the act of masturbation was a taboo subject or a matter of societal shame and it is generally regarded as a healthy outlet.
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How to improve your self-esteem before a first date.
A first date can be a nerve wracking time for anyone. Your head is racing with a million and one questions – Do I look okay? Will my date like me? Will things be awkward? Getting stuck in this mindset can mean you become a self-fulfilling prophecy – you worry about being awkward, so you become awkward.
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Three sex problems that are more common than you think.
When it comes to sex, things can get a little embarrassing. A lot of people don’t like to discuss the details of what goes on behind closed doors, and with good reason. But this can mean that, if you’re experiencing a sex or relationship problem, you might feel isolated and alone. It can be easy to think you’re the only person in the world going through it, but we want to re-assure you that you’re not! Here are three of the most common sex problems, and a little bit about how we can help you overcome them.
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The Many Forms of Love.
Many of the concepts of Love that are familiar to us today were initially described by the ancient Greeks and these archetypes have stayed with us and evolved into our current understanding of our affectionate emotions.
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How Porn Addiction Affects Our Relationships.
Since the advent of the internet age, access to pornography has grown exponentially. A few decades ago, access to pornography was restricted to top-shelf magazines, and sex shops selling pornographic movies and other materials. Nowadays, we can access pornographic sites with unlimited free content, at the click of a button. With this increase in available materials, we have an increase in porn addiction, and its’ many side effects.
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"You always put me last!" Sex after Children.
For many, the goal of childbirth is an important factor in their pursuit of marriage or a relationship. Even on a subconscious level and as much as we might wish to think otherwise, our lusts, attractions and affections will be revolving around our need to produce offspring.
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